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Important Changes to Cheshire East Recycling Centres

From Monday, 5th August, there will be some key updates to household waste recycling centres (HWRCs) in Cheshire East:

– Bollington, Poynton, and Middlewich HWRCs will be temporarily closed starting at 5pm on Sunday, 4 August.

Extended Hours:
– HWRCs in Alsager, Crewe, Macclesfield, and Knutsford will remain open for an extra hour on weekdays.

Weekend Visits:
– Advance online booking is now required for visits during weekends or Bank Holidays.

These emergency changes are separate from the ongoing review of longer-term HWRC service, a public consultation on which recently closed. For the latest updates and information, visit Cheshire East Council’s website here.

Parish Precept 2024/25

Each year, Disley Parish Council sets a parish precept, as part of the Council Tax, to help fund the many services it provides to Disley & Newtown residents.

Over recent years, the Parish Council has tried to minimise the effects of higher inflation levels, but some of the Council’s operating costs, particularly staff salaries, have increased significantly over the past 12 months.  The Parish Council has also had to budget for the cessation of some Cheshire East Council services, such as grounds maintenance of some green spaces.

The Parish Council appreciates that many Disley & Newtown residents are experiencing financial pressures, but after many years of zero or minimum increases, feels it has no option but to introduce an 8% precept increase for 2024/25.

This new precept figure equates to £85.22 per year for a Council Tax Band D home, or the equivalent of £1.64 per week.

The Parish Council believe that this still represents value for money, considering the many services it provides, including:

  • Disley Community Centre.
  • Disley Community Bus Scheme.
  • Parks and play areas.
  • Three allotment sites.
  • CCTV monitoring in the village centre.
  • Village Ranger service.
  • Community Grants.
  • The Council’s website, Disley News magazine and eBulletins.
  • Village events such as the Christmas Extravaganza.
  • Electric vehicle chargepoints.
  • Village streetlighting.
  • Disley & Newtown hanging baskets and planting

The Parish Council acknowledges the generous help given by village volunteers and it should be noted that Disley Parish Councillors receive no form of salary or allowance and give their time for the benefit of the Disley and Newtown community.

 February 2024

Mudhurst Lane – Update from Planning Enforcement

The Parish Council has received an update from Cheshire East Council Planning Enforcement regarding activities on the land known as Glebe Fields off Mudhurst Lane.

Cheshire East Council served an enforcement notice on 14th February 2024 in relation to unauthorised development which has taken place on land off Mudhurst Lane, Disley.  The notice takes effect on 25th March 2024, unless an appeal is made to the Planning Inspectorate before this date. If an appeal is lodged the notice will not take effect unless or until that appeal is dismissed.

Should no appeal be lodged, the recipients will have until 24th September to comply with the requirements of the notice i.e. the removal of all deposited material and the removal of the track.

Statements from Disley Parish Council and Thomas Ouffs and Poors Land Charity appear in an earlier post.

New FlexiLink Bus Service for Disley

Land off Mudhurst Lane, Higher Disley

Disley Parish Council has received a large number of resident enquiries regarding activities at the site known as Glebe Fields off Mudhurst Lane.  These enquiries primarily revolve around concerns relating to planning, access, the amount, and appropriateness of site traffic, and environmental considerations. Disley Parish Council shares many of these concerns.

To provide clarity, Disley Parish Council has never owned or managed the land in question and has no involvement in the works currently being undertaken.  Previously, the land was under the ownership of a registered charity, named Thomas Ouff.  Although the land is no longer owned by this charity, the Trustees have kindly agreed that their Position Statement can be shared with residents.  This can be downloaded at:

Position statement for Thomas Ouff and Poors Land Charity

Regarding the potential absence of planning permissions for the works, this matter has been escalated to Cheshire East Council Planning Enforcement. As the primary planning authority for Disley & Newtown, Cheshire East Council is responsible for investigating all local planning matters. Cheshire East Planning Enforcement can be contacted at ceplanning@cheshireeast.gov.uk or by phone on 0300 123 5014.

Concerns regarding traffic weights and volumes, mud on the road and environmental issues have also been raised and communicated to the relevant departments within Cheshire East Council.

Please rest assured that Disley Parish Council will remain vigilant in monitoring the situation on Mudhurst Lane and will actively engage with Cheshire East Council to obtain information and seek appropriate actions in addressing resident concerns.

Cllr Simon Brownbill

Chair of Disley Parish Council

Newtown Play Area – Project Update

Newtown Play Area Improvement Project 2023 Update

Disley Parish Council (DPC) would like to update residents on the current situation regarding improvement works at the Newtown Play Area which, unfortunately, due to several delays and the recent hot weather have meant that the project is taking longer than expected.

A recent RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) report highlighted several concerns with the fencing and surfacing at the play area. In addition to this, we have had issues with dog owners using the area as a dog run and some leaving their dogs unsupervised to defecate within the play area.  DPC is also keen to create a more open space around the play area to allow for additional play equipment and picnic benches.

Residents will be aware that groundworks have recently been undertaken to remove the old fencing which previously enclosed the play area and to relandscape in order to remove the high step on the lower side and to returf and reseed the area.  Unfortunately, the recent prolonged period of hot and dry weather has meant that the new turf and seed is taking longer to establish than hoped.  The Council has kept the area well-watered, and it is now looking far greener and heathier.  During the period of the works, the grass could not be cut and the surface could not be strimmed but this has now been carried out and has been returned to its previous regular maintenance schedule.  Some patches of ground may require additional grass seed due to the recent hot conditions and residents are asked to please bear with us while this seed beds in.

The safety matting around the play equipment now provides a wider area of safety and allows the natural vegetation to grow through.

The Council has installed a new safety gate between the play area and the car park and the fencing to the sides of this will be extended and mesh-filled as soon as possible

Work on the project will continue over the next few months including installation of a picnic bench, cycle racks, new litter bins and additional signage.  It is hoped that the majority of this work will be completed by the start of the summer holidays. DPC will then review the area and consider what further works are required and what additional equipment can be considered.

The Parish Council apologises for any disruption that the work has caused and appreciates the patience of play area users while the work is being completed.

Cllr. Simon Brownbill

Chair of Disley Parish Council

Borough and Parish Council election results

Following the Cheshire East Council and Disley Parish Council elections held on 4th May 2023, the following Councillors were duly elected:

  • Cheshire East Borough Council:

Cllr. Sue Adams

  • Disley Parish Council:

Cllr. Sue Adams

Cllr. Andy Bowers

Cllr. Simon Brownbill

Cllr. Paul Bull

Cllr. Connor Parry

Cllr. Jackie Pattison

Cllr. Rachel Scale

Cllr. Mark Sykes

Cllr. Jean Windsor

The Parish Council election was uncontested.

The Chair, Vice Chair and Committee Chairs for Disley Parish Council will be elected at the Annual Parish Council meeting on Thursday 18th May 2023 at 7.30pm at Disley Community Centre.

Full details of the election results can be found on the Cheshire East website at: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/council_and_democracy/voting_and_elections/elections

Contact details for all councillors are available at: Disley & Newtown Councillors

Disley’s first public electric vehicle chargepoints

Disley Parish Council is excited to unveil Disley’s first public electric vehicle chargepoints at the Community Centre car park in the centre of the village.

The chargepoints have dedicated parking spaces and use Superfast 22 kW technology for quick charging.  Payment is made easily through the VendElectric app available from Google Play, the AppStore or the app.vendelectric.com website.

The installation of the chargepoints is part of the Parish Council’s on-going commitment to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality in Disley and was part-funded by an OZEV grant.

The chargepoints are now fully operational and User Guide is available to download at:

VendElectric User Guide.

Middlewood Partnership video

The Middlewood Partnership, which includes the Schoolhouse Surgery, has launched a video called, “General Practice Redefined.”  The vidoe tells the story of the Partnership’s merger-led transformation and highlights the benefits for patients, staff and the wider community.

The video can be viewed at: General Practice Redefined

Statement regarding the asset transfer of Danehill Close Play Park

At a Parish Council meeting held on 8th July 2021, Councillors agreed the below Statement:

Disley Parish Council is not currently progressing discussions with Cheshire East Council regarding the asset transfer of Danehill Close Play Park.  Cheshire East has indicated that it would need to resolve possible encroachment issues at the site.  The Parish Council is also concerned that any asset transfer would not include any monies to bring the site up to an acceptable condition.  Cheshire East have stated that Disley Parish Council would be required to meet both sets of legal fees.  Should Cheshire East’s policy on asset transfers change in the future, then the Parish Council would reconsider the proposal.

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