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Parish Precept 2024/25
Each year, Disley Parish Council sets a parish precept, as part of the Council Tax, to help fund the many services it provides to Disley & Newtown residents.
Over recent years, the Parish Council has tried to minimise the effects of higher inflation levels, but some of the Council’s operating costs, particularly staff salaries, have increased significantly over the past 12 months. The Parish Council has also had to budget for the cessation of some Cheshire East Council services, such as grounds maintenance of some green spaces.
The Parish Council appreciates that many Disley & Newtown residents are experiencing financial pressures, but after many years of zero or minimum increases, feels it has no option but to introduce an 8% precept increase for 2024/25.
This new precept figure equates to £85.22 per year for a Council Tax Band D home, or the equivalent of £1.64 per week.
The Parish Council believe that this still represents value for money, considering the many services it provides, including:
- Disley Community Centre.
- Disley Community Bus Scheme.
- Parks and play areas.
- Three allotment sites.
- CCTV monitoring in the village centre.
- Village Ranger service.
- Community Grants.
- The Council’s website, Disley News magazine and eBulletins.
- Village events such as the Christmas Extravaganza.
- Electric vehicle chargepoints.
- Village streetlighting.
- Disley & Newtown hanging baskets and planting
The Parish Council acknowledges the generous help given by village volunteers and it should be noted that Disley Parish Councillors receive no form of salary or allowance and give their time for the benefit of the Disley and Newtown community.
February 2024
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