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Disley Video

Disley Video available to view
showing what a great place
Disley & Newtown is to
live, work and visit

Watch video here

Councillor Announcement

Disley Parish Council is sorry to inform residents that Councillor Simon Brownbill has resigned his position as councillor and chairman of Disley Parish Council due to increasing work commitments and family responsibilities. The Council wishes to thank Simon for his work and support over the last six years.

Simon said:
“It’s been a real privilege to serve the Disley community over the past six years. I’m proud of what we’ve achieved together, and I’ve been constantly inspired by the dedication of our staff, councillors and the many volunteers who do so much behind the scenes. We’re lucky to have such a strong and passionate team working for the good of the village, and I’m confident Disley is in great hands going forward.”


Disley road markings are set for a refresh. Cheshire East Council Highways will be painting all junction markings throughout the village so while there may be some inconvenience on Sunday, 30th March, it is for something beneficial to us all.

Engineering Works




2259 Buxton to Manchester Piccadilly will be replaced by a bus throughout.

2310 Manchester Piccadilly to Buxton will be replaced by a bus throughout.



All lines through Stockport are closed due to bridge replacement work.

Trains will run to a reduced timetable between Hazel Grove, Buxton and return only.

Bus replacement services will run between Hazel Grove, Stockport and Manchester Piccadilly and return.




Community Star Awards 24

Community Star Awards 24


Disley Community Stars Shining Bright 

On Sunday, 27th October, Disley Parish Council held its annual Civic Service Award Ceremony at St Mary’s Church, where the community gathered for an inspiring service centred on the theme of unity. It was a reminder of the strength in our community and the importance of each individual’s contributions. The event commenced at 11 am, and we were welcomed warmly by the St Mary’s congregation, whose message on togetherness and community resonated.

Following some tasty refreshments and enjoying the sounds of Disley Choir, the highlight of the day was the presentation of our Community Star awards. This year’s recipients have tirelessly given their time, efforts, and talents to making Disley a better place for all. We are thrilled to share a bit about their contributions:

  • Yvonne Williamson: She leads the Disley Belles, a group that brings local women together monthly for lunches and social outings.
  • Geoff Williamson: Leading the “Grumpy Old Men” group, a counterpart to the Disley Belles, Geoff ensures that the men in the village have similar social opportunities. Additionally, as a driver for the Disley Community Bus, Geoff provides a crucial service for our older residents, helping them maintain independence by offering transport for shopping trips and social outings.
  • Laura Weston: Laura’s 14 years of service with the Disley School PTA have made a lasting impact on generations of local children. Her dedication has helped raise significant funds, enriching the learning environment and creating countless memories for Disley’s young people.
  • Margaret Toft: Margaret’s commitment to music and education in Disley has spanned decades. Through her work with the village choir, Disley School, and the village church, Margaret’s teaching of instruments and her coordination of events, such as the Maypole dance have brought music and joy to many.
  • Julie Jones: Julie’s quiet dedication to keeping our village clean through her regular litter-picking around Disley are a testament to her kindness and commitment, taking it upon herself to care for our environment and contribute to our village’s beauty.

These recipients remind us of the power of individual action and the cumulative impact that dedicated service has on our village. 

Congratulations to all the awardees, and thank you for your invaluable contributions to Disley. Your hard work and kindness are appreciated and we look forward to celebrating many more community champions in the years to come.




Watch the recipients receive their award below!


Car Park Consultation

Car Parking Consultation – Disley

Consultation launches on evening and Sunday parking arrangements

The Low Tariff applies in Disley.

The consultation runs to 9th October 2024.

Please respond to the consultation by emailing carparksreview2024@cheshireeast.gov.uk using ‘Variation 12’ as the email subject header.

Library Consultation

Cheshire East have to make significant savings in libraries over the next two years. They are proposing a way forward with this consultation/draft strategy and asking the public to provide their feedback.

We would encourage all Disley residents to complete the survey, where you will get chance to feedback about Disley Library and the proposed new hours.

Please read the documents below detailing the future planned for Disley Library before visiting the survey which can be found here.



Important Changes to Cheshire East Recycling Centres

From Monday, 5th August, there will be some key updates to household waste recycling centres (HWRCs) in Cheshire East:

– Bollington, Poynton, and Middlewich HWRCs will be temporarily closed starting at 5pm on Sunday, 4 August.

Extended Hours:
– HWRCs in Alsager, Crewe, Macclesfield, and Knutsford will remain open for an extra hour on weekdays.

Weekend Visits:
– Advance online booking is now required for visits during weekends or Bank Holidays.

These emergency changes are separate from the ongoing review of longer-term HWRC service, a public consultation on which recently closed. For the latest updates and information, visit Cheshire East Council’s website here.

Parish Precept 2024/25

Each year, Disley Parish Council sets a parish precept, as part of the Council Tax, to help fund the many services it provides to Disley & Newtown residents.

Over recent years, the Parish Council has tried to minimise the effects of higher inflation levels, but some of the Council’s operating costs, particularly staff salaries, have increased significantly over the past 12 months.  The Parish Council has also had to budget for the cessation of some Cheshire East Council services, such as grounds maintenance of some green spaces.

The Parish Council appreciates that many Disley & Newtown residents are experiencing financial pressures, but after many years of zero or minimum increases, feels it has no option but to introduce an 8% precept increase for 2024/25.

This new precept figure equates to £85.22 per year for a Council Tax Band D home, or the equivalent of £1.64 per week.

The Parish Council believe that this still represents value for money, considering the many services it provides, including:

  • Disley Community Centre.
  • Disley Community Bus Scheme.
  • Parks and play areas.
  • Three allotment sites.
  • CCTV monitoring in the village centre.
  • Village Ranger service.
  • Community Grants.
  • The Council’s website, Disley News magazine and eBulletins.
  • Village events such as the Christmas Extravaganza.
  • Electric vehicle chargepoints.
  • Village streetlighting.
  • Disley & Newtown hanging baskets and planting

The Parish Council acknowledges the generous help given by village volunteers and it should be noted that Disley Parish Councillors receive no form of salary or allowance and give their time for the benefit of the Disley and Newtown community.

 February 2024

Mudhurst Lane – Update from Planning Enforcement

The Parish Council has received an update from Cheshire East Council Planning Enforcement regarding activities on the land known as Glebe Fields off Mudhurst Lane.

Cheshire East Council served an enforcement notice on 14th February 2024 in relation to unauthorised development which has taken place on land off Mudhurst Lane, Disley.  The notice takes effect on 25th March 2024, unless an appeal is made to the Planning Inspectorate before this date. If an appeal is lodged the notice will not take effect unless or until that appeal is dismissed.

Should no appeal be lodged, the recipients will have until 24th September to comply with the requirements of the notice i.e. the removal of all deposited material and the removal of the track.

Statements from Disley Parish Council and Thomas Ouffs and Poors Land Charity appear in an earlier post.

New FlexiLink Bus Service for Disley

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01663 762726
Office opening hours:
Monday to Friday
9.00am to 1.00pm

We aim to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.