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Disley Parish Council response to Cheshire East Local Plan consultation
Following a meeting of Disley Parish Council held on 10th December 2020, the Parish Council has submitted a formal response to the Cheshire East Council Local Plan Draft Site Allocation and Development Policies Document (SADPD) consultation.
The response is available to view at:
Disley Parish Council SADPD response 15th December 2020
The response references an Advice Note from Counsel at Kings Chambers in Manchester regarding Safeguarded Land which is available to view at:
Cheshire East Safeguarded land Advice Note 11th November 2020
The SADPD includes non-strategic planning policies and site allocations. Full consultation details can be found at:
Please Note: This consultation closed on Wednesday 23rd December 2020.
Cheshire East Council – Site Allocations and Development Policies (SADPD) Consultation
The Cheshire East Council Strategic Local Plan sets out a future allocation of houses to be built across Cheshire East to meet housing needs over the next 30 years.
The Site Allocations and Development Policies Document (SADPD) proposes future housing allocations across 13 Local Service Centres in Cheshire East, of which Disley and Newtown is one.
A revised draft of the SADPD is now available and can be found on the Cheshire East Council website at: Cheshire East Local Plan. The Parish Council will advertise details of the public consultation on this document as soon as they become available.
Disley Parish Council has prepared a statement in response to this, which is available to download at: Disley Parish Council SADPD Statement.
Disley Parish Council response to Cheshire East Council Local Plan SADPD consultation.
Disley Parish Council has sent a formal response to the Cheshire East Council Local Plan Draft Site Allocation and Development Policies Document (SADPD) consultation. This response relates to the two sites identified in the Plan for Disley and Newtown: DIS 1 – Greystones allotments and DIS 2 – Land off Jackson’s Edge Road, Disley.
A copy of the response is available to download HERE.
The Parish Council will be publishing a fully updated statement on the Local Plan shortly.
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