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Borough and Parish Council election results

Following the Cheshire East Council and Disley Parish Council elections held on 4th May 2023, the following Councillors were duly elected:

  • Cheshire East Borough Council:

Cllr. Sue Adams

  • Disley Parish Council:

Cllr. Sue Adams

Cllr. Andy Bowers

Cllr. Simon Brownbill

Cllr. Paul Bull

Cllr. Connor Parry

Cllr. Jackie Pattison

Cllr. Rachel Scale

Cllr. Mark Sykes

Cllr. Jean Windsor

The Parish Council election was uncontested.

The Chair, Vice Chair and Committee Chairs for Disley Parish Council will be elected at the Annual Parish Council meeting on Thursday 18th May 2023 at 7.30pm at Disley Community Centre.

Full details of the election results can be found on the Cheshire East website at: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/council_and_democracy/voting_and_elections/elections

Contact details for all councillors are available at: Disley & Newtown Councillors

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