Disley Tweets
Tweets by @DisleyPCContact Info
01663 762726
Office opening hours:
Monday to Friday
9.00am to 1.00pm
We aim to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.
Monday to Friday
9.00am to 1.00pm
We aim to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.
While they are at it, will they be repairing all the pot holes on the road, or would that be too efficient?
Dear Anthony,
The planned work on Hollinwood Road is being undertaken by Electricity North West and we believe it will only affect a very short section of the road just down from the Dandy Cock. We have not been made aware of any Cheshire East Highways work to the road surface being undertaken at the same. However, if you would like to report any potholes to Cheshire East, this can be done at: https://www.cheshireeasthighways.org/report-it-general.aspx.
Mine & a large number of long caravans are stored at Hagg Bank farm hollinwood road is the only viable route out to the A6 for a large 4×4 & a 7.5m caravan so I hope there will be some negotiation to leave & return during this period
Dear Mr. Ford
The work is being carried out by Electricity North West Limited, so it may be worth contacting them directly to find out what access facilities they are planning. The Works Reference for the job is: JG08050017011/1 and they can be contacted at: enquiries@enwl.co.uk. I hope this helps.