Sunday 12th November 2023 

Councillor Simon Brownbill, Chair of Disley Parish Council, has arranged a Service of Remembrance and two minutes silence to be held at the War Memorial at 11.00 a.m. followed by the laying of wreaths.  Please arrive at the memorial by 10.55 a.m.

A Civic Remembrance Service will be held at St. Mary’s Church, Disley following the Acts of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday – 8th November 2020

Owing to the on-going uncertainty surrounding Covid-19, Disley Parish Council took the difficult decision to cancel the Remembrance Sunday Service at the War Memorial on the Ram Green in Disley booked for Sunday 8th November 2020.  A statement from the Council regarding this decision is available at:

Disley Parish Council Remembrance Sunday Statement 2020

Acts of Remembrance

This webpage is available to Disley & Newtown residents and organisations to upload photos and videos of their personal acts of remembrance.

Leah Jackson singing a song of Remembrance at St Marys Church

Video of Leah Jackson singing a song of Remembrance at St Marys Church


Cllr Cath Birchall and Cllr Steve Birchall laying a wreath on behalf of the Labour Party

Cllr Cath Birchall and Cllr Steve Birchall laying a wreath on behalf of the Labour Party


1st Disley Scouts wreath laying on behalf of our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers

Video of 1st Disley Scouts wreath laying on behalf of our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers


Ron Bonsanko laying wreath on behalf of Disley & Newtown Conservative Branch

Ron Bonsanko laying wreath on behalf of Disley & Newtown Conservative Branch

Disley Baptist Church window display

Disley Baptist Church window display

Disley Baptist Church wreath

Disley Baptist Church wreath

Wreath being laid on behalf of Disley Quaker Meeting

Wreath being laid on behalf of Disley Quaker Meeting


Cllr Jackie Pattison laying a wreath on behalf of Disley Parish Council

Cllr Jackie Pattison laying a wreath on behalf of Disley Parish Council


Rev Cornes laying wreath on behalf of St Marys Church

Rev. Stuart Cornes laying wreath on behalf of St Marys Church


Peter Fagan laying wreath on behalf of Cuppa an a Chat

Peter Fagan laying a wreath on behalf of Cuppa an a Chat

Remembrance Day compilation video

We are indebted to local film-maker Alan Buckel for compiling a superb video bringing together memories of Disley & Newtown Remembrance Days.

The video is available to view below:

Road Poppy

Thanks go to colleagues at Cheshire East Highways for providing the poppy in the road on Fountain Square.

Poppy on road in Fountain Square

Poppy on road in Fountain Square

Disley Memorial Garden

Tommy silhouette in the Memorial Garden

Tommy silhouette in the Memorial Garden

Disley Tweets

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01663 762726
Office opening hours:
Monday to Friday
9.00am to 1.00pm

We aim to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.