Welcome to the Disley Community Bus Scheme

‘Dear Bus Users,

This update provides details of the current position regarding the Disley Community Bus. Disley Parish Council has recently re-applied for certification to allow the council to run the Community Bus Scheme. We have been notified that it may take as long as 10 weeks for the process to be completed. Therefore, the Council regretfully has no option but to temporarily suspend the Community Bus Scheme until this process is complete. We recognise that this will cause disappointment for users of the Scheme and apologise for any inconvenience caused. Should the certification be completed earlier, Disley Parish Council will then be able to re-instate use of the bus.

To minimise any disruption to future trips, the Council will endeavour to bring forward planned bus repairs and maintenance to take place during this time. The Parish Council would like to thank the Disley community in anticipation of their understanding in this matter and look forward to the continued success of the Scheme in the near future.’



The Disley Community Bus Scheme is run by Disley Parish Council and operates as a not-for-profit community transport scheme. In 2018 a brand new 15-seater minibus was purchased with funding from Disley Parish Council, the National Lottery, Poynton Area Community Partnership, Disley & Newtown Good Neighbours, Cuppa an’ a Chat and many personal donations.

The minibus is driven by a team of wonderful volunteer drivers who have all completed a minibus driving awareness course.

The bus has a rear wheelchair lift and can safely accomodate wheelchair users.

Trips for Residents

The bus service offers excursions to places of interest outside the village such as historic venues, garden centres, markets and picturesque villages.

Passengers must be registered as a member of the Community Bus Scheme. The membership fee is £1. Please download Membership Form below or call into the Parish Council Office.

Link to Individual Membership Form

The current programme of trips appears below:

Weekly Shopper Bus

The Parish Council runs a regular weekly shop and ride service for those less mobile residents who would still like the independence of doing there own shopping.  The shopper bus provides a door-to-door service to a local supermarket with a café and is available to users who can commit to going every week.

Bus for Hire

The minibus is available to hire at competitive rates and local community groups can book it for a few hours or even a few days. Groups must be registered as a member of the Community Bus Scheme. The membership fee is £5. Please download a Group Membership form below or call into the Parish Council Office. Groups must provide their own drivers who need to register their details with us.

Link to Bus Hire Booking Form

Link to Group Membership Form

Link to Driver Application Form

Hire charges

(From March 2024)

Drivers Wanted

The bus trips provide a real boost to many of our older residents and volunteer drivers are always needed to keep the scheme going. Full training is given, free of charge, and you could make a real difference in the community as well as getting out to some interesting locations.

Register as a volunteer driver now: whatever time you can spare; enjoy free days out; help your community.

For more details, to make a booking or to enquire about volunteering, call Helen on 01663 762726 or email the Parish Council at admin@disleyparishcouncil.org.uk


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