Disley Video
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Disley & Newtown is to
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There will be Highway improvement works and installing a new footway under the arched railway bridge on Redhouse Lane, Disley.
They will be:
- Constructing a new footway underneath the arched railway bridge to connect the existing footways on either side
- Upgrading the traffic signals and street lighting
- Resurfacing the carriageway between Duddy Road and A6, Buxton Road
- Refreshing the existing road markings
24-hour road closures will be in place in phases for approximately 3 weeks commencing on 3 March as detailed below:
Phase 1: Road closure in place from Mellor View to Duddy Road
Phase 2: Road closure in place from Mellor View to A6 Buxton Road
For more info, visit: cheshireeast.gov.uk/redhouselane
Disley Tweets
Tweets by @DisleyPCContact Info
01663 762726
Office opening hours:
Monday to Friday
9.00am to 1.00pm
We aim to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.
Monday to Friday
9.00am to 1.00pm
We aim to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.