The Schoolhouse Surgery in Disley occupies a building that was built by Thomas Legh of Lyme in 1825 for weekday and Sunday school teaching. The interior was re-designed and the surgery opened in these premises in 1991. One of the original beams remains exposed and the maple floors (once used for village dances) have been retained.
Opening Hours
Monday 8:00am to 8.300pm
Tuesday to Friday 8:00am to 6:30pm
Appointments/Emergencies : 01663 762484/764488
Out of Hours : 01625 502 999
Surgeries are by appointment
Mornings 9:00am to 11:30am
Afternoons 3:30pm to 8:30pm Monday
Evening Surgery
Monday 18:30pm to 19:30pm
Damian O’Conner : 01663 762555
Joe & Liz Greene : 01663 765583
Disley Podiatry Clinic : 01663 765571
Fountain Square Clinic : 01663 764864
Disley Tweets
Tweets by @DisleyPCContact Info
Monday to Friday
9.00am to 1.00pm
We aim to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.